Stockart MedNest

Smart Drawer Unit

MedNest® is a modular type Smart Drawer Unit that can adapt to the areas of hospitals with different characteristics and provides flexibility and scalability in medication management. The internal chassis is metal reinforced. The number and dimensions of drawers can be designed according to user needs. It is compatible with all the products in the STOCKART® product family.

MedNest Brochure

MedNest for Carts Brochure

System Features

  • Portable and stackable
  • Enables temperature/humidity monitoring
  • Each drawer can be configured as single line item, multiple line items in matrix mode or patient specific to assure maximum security
  • Integration with STOCKART® Product Family
  • Adaptable to different care areas within in the hospital
  • Each module consists of 1-12 drawers and can be configured in 1 size, 2 size and 4 size drawers

Secure Narcotic Management with MedNest®:

In small warehouse areas where it is not feasible in terms of return on investment to establish an automated med dispensing cabinet, MedNest® enables narcotics and high priced medications to be managed with high security by connecting over the SMARTWard® open system. The system enables scalability of the investment without compromising on security.

  • The internal metal chassis assures increased security
  • Double Bio ID entry and witness function possible
  • Designed to be suitable for wall mounting
  • Enables temperature/humidity monitoring

A Secure Cold Chain Management with MedNest®:

MedNest® is a product that can be used to replace external fridge lock attached to ADC’s, for hospitals that prefer higher controlled access based on cold chain medications. The MedNest® Smart Drawer Unit is placed in the refrigerators used in hospitals. The probe enables the temperature of coolers to be monitored and sends warnings for out-of-limit values. In small warehouse areas where it is not feasible in terms of return on investment to establish an automated med dispensing cabinet, MedNest® enables cold chain medications to be managed with high security by connecting over the SMARTWard® open system.  The system provides a scalable investment opportunity for cold chain medications.

Secure Bedside Medication Management with MedNest®:

MedNest® can be used to close the medication management loop. MedNest® can be attached through a universal bracket to different types of computerized carts. MedNest® communicates with the DrawerWizard Software therefore making the patient-based drawer open/close automatic.  Since the drawers can only be opened by the corresponding patient, the application complies with elimination of administration errors. This workflow can be further improved by implementing SMARTTrack® Bedside Verification Module.